Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wal-Mart, Compassion, Midwestern Values and Economic Indicators

The current default mode in Washington is government takeover: health care, student loans, the financial sector, etc. The assumption is that the government is better equipped to manage elements of our lives than we ourselves are; that the capabilities of the government exceed those of the private sector. Implicit in this mode is the assumption that individuals turn first to the government for solutions to life challenges. Have those leading this charge bothered to ask individuals how they would prefer to manage their lives; whether they share the belief that government is better equipped than the private sector to provide long-term sustainable solutions to health care innovation or job growth, for example?

This afternoon, when pulling into the Wal-Mart parking lot, I saw a 30-something man, in apparent good health and wellness of mind, standing at the Wal-Mart parking lot exit holding a hand lettered sign that read:

Need Work.
Donations Accepted.
God Bless.

With unemployment in the 11% range, northwestern Ohio's economy is in a challenged state. The unemployment is impacting folks across the spectrum of jobs. Unusual, in this area, is to see an unemployed individual actively reach out like this. Sure, I've seen individuals elsewhere -- Boston, Phoenix -- use this approach. Never before have I seen it in our smallish town. Could this be a leading economic indicator? Could this be an indicator that the economy is lagging in a way the media is reluctant to report? Or is this a one-off event?

Is this man acting in the way the government expects? Why was he reaching out to his fellow townspeople? Why was he at Wal-Mart and not at the local unemployment center registering for entitlement benefits? Is this a leading indicator? An indicator that individuals prefer to solve life challenges using the resources available to them?

When exiting the Wal-Mart parking lot, the woman driving the Honda Civic ahead of me stopped. She handed the sign holder a bag of grocery items just purchased at Wal-Mart. A few words were exchanged. She drove on.

Did I witness a leading indicator of how individuals prefer to solve life challenges through voluntary assistance of one another? Do individuals outside of D.C. view Wal-Mart as key to restoring the economic health of this country?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Intrade Trending Favorably for a Brown Win in Mass.

The Intrade market on winning the Senatorial special election in Massachusetts is trending toward a Brown win:

Price for Winner of Massachusetts Special Election (to replace Ted Kennedy) at

The contract ID of this contract is: 693300

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Obama goes to the land of Teddy Kennedy and Discovers the Chappaquiddick is Chilly

Obama goes to the land of Teddy Kennedy gets heckled and can't fill the hall. Meanwhile, Teddy's stand-in, Kirk, can't function as a Senator after January 19th More here. Currently inTrade, the most accurate predictor of election outcomes, is trending toward a decisive victory by Brown. This is getting very interesting. I agree with Cramer, a Brown victory will go a long way toward reducing the uncertainty that paralyzes business leaders and is stunting the economy; a Brown victory will unleash the markets.

In case you were wondering, it's all Bush's fault.

Umm ... yeah. Right.

Is Election Fraud the New Normal?

Massachusetts senatorial candidate Scott Brown's Chief Legal Council is calling for volunteers for Scott Brown's legal team to assemble:

a volunteer team to ensure that every legally cast ballot is accurately counted. The citizens of Massachusetts deserve a fair and honest election.

Given the gyrations the Wisconsin Comedian's legal team executed, this seems a wise move. If the election is close, cheating will occur. It saddens me to conclude that election fraud is the new normal.

UPDATE: Here's a nice summary of a systemic effort to implant election fraud as business as usual.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Is it possible that healthcare "reform is really ...

President Obama met today with union leaders. Is it possible that health care "reform" is actually cover for relieving the unions of their massive health care pension obligations?

Update: Bingo!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Is global warming ...

Is global warming the best policy money can buy? Just wondering.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

What's with all this App Envy?

TechCrunch opines Palm’s WebOS Now Has 1,000 Apps. Only 99,000 To Go To Catch Up To Apple.

OK folks, help me out here. What's with all this app envy? On what planet is the number of apps a useful indicator of anything meaningful? Acknowledging the long-tail implications, what's the point of claiming 1,000,000 apps if 90% are of marginal value?