Monday, October 27, 2008

We Don't Need Another Eight Years of Lawyers in the White House

Obama's wealth redistribution advocating history is increasingly dominating the campaign discourse. The Obama campaign doesn't like it:
The Obama campaign immediately pushed back, arguing that the Right is deliberately misinterpreting a narrow legal argument Obama was making about decades-old court cases.

Hmm ... how many times has Obama directly, or his campaign surrogates, said some variation of, "what I meant to say was ...," when folks run with the plain meaning of Obama's words? Note also the extremely narrow lawyerly parsing: "a narrow legal argument ... about decades old court cases." Yep, let's distract by trying to refocus the discussion on the trees rather than the forest.

After eight years of Clintonian lawyerly parsing of the of the obvious, haven't we had enough of lawyers in the White House?

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