Sunday, November 02, 2008

More on Obama's Illegal Campaign Donations

An Instapundit reader does some important leg work on illegal foreign contributions to the Obama campaign:

Meanwhile, reader Joseph Edwards emails:

All these stories about Obama's campaign contributions (lack of credit card verification, Aunti Zaitun, etc.) prompted me to check Google Trends ( to see from which countries people are searching for "Donate McCain" versus "Donate Obama." Check it out yourself. Nothing other than the USA registers for McCain, but a statistically significant number of Canadian and British residents apparently have enough interest in donating to Obama's campaign they show up as numbers two and three. Somehow I don't believe these are all US service men and women stationed in Montreal or London who are googling this topic.

He's right. Here's "Donate Obama," and here's "Donate McCain" on Google Trends. Of course, that just tells you who's searching, not who's donating.
Agreed.   It does raise myriad questions the Obama campaign should address pronto.

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