Thursday, July 14, 2022

Was COVID-19 the third most common mortality cause in Maine in 2021?

 The Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment Report 2022 was just released by the State of Maine. The Executive Summary (p. 2), states:

In only two years, COVID-19 deaths have overtaken unintentional injury, chronic lower respiratory disease, and stroke to become the 3rd leading cause of death in Maine. 

Immediately following this statement is Table 1. Leading Causes of Death: 2021. Table 1 provides this rank ordered of 'leading causes of death' of Mainers in 2021:

  1. Cancer
  2. Heart Disease
  3. COVID-19
  4. Unintentional Injury
  5. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease

 A Maine Shared Community Needs Health Report report for each of Maine's 16 counties accompanies the state report. Each state report includes a Table 1 Leading Causes of Death. The table reports the top five mortality causes for Maine and for the County.  The table below summarizes the top five mortality causes provided in the state report and in each of the county reports:

For a larger version of the table: click here

Key Take-aways from the summary table:

  • The 2022 State report includes COVID-19 as a top five mortality cause (see above). 
  • Table 1, included in each county report, lists the top five mortality causes in the state of Maine as follows:

    1. Cancer
    2. Heart Disease
    3. Unintentional Injury
    4. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease
    5. Stroke

  • Table 1 in none the county reports list COVID-19 as a top five mortality cause in the state of Maine.
  • COVID-19 is not a top five 2021 mortality cause in any of Maine's 16 counties (see summary table above).  
  • Cancer is the top ranked 2021 mortality cause in 13 of Maine's 16 counties.  
  • Heart disease is the second ranked 2021 mortality cause in 13 of Maine's 16 counties.    
The top five 2021 mortality causes in Maine, as listed in Table 1 in each county report, aligns with teh county level data. The top five 2021 mortality causes in main, as listed in Table 1 of the state report does not align with the county data.  

What explains the disconnect between the top five 2021 mortality causes in Maine as presented in the states report's Executive Summary vs. what the top five 2021 mortality causes in Maine that are reported in each of the county reports? Why does the state Maine Shared Community Needs Health Report claim that COVID-19 is the third most common mortality cause?

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